Hace unas semanas el amigo AKMS, autor del blog Milimoto, me pasó estos gráficos cuando hablábamos del tanque T-34. En la wikipedia y otras páginas aparece una configuración de la munición que no es correcta. En el primer gráfico se puede apreciar (amarillo en el chasis).

Gráfico incorrecto (Wikipedia).
Los T-34-85 no almacenaban la munición de manera horizontal en el chasis, pero muchas páginas web copian el esquema sin revisarlo. A continuación un esquema de un manual polaco.

Gráfico correcto (manual del Ejército Polaco).
Como curiosidad, en el manual del Ejército Polaco de 1962 para el T-34-85M el número de proyectiles pasa de 50 a 57, seguramente porque el operador radio es sustituido y el espacio se utiliza para almacenar munición.
El blog https://milimoto.wordpress.com contiene excelentes entradas sobre el diseño y funcionamiento de tanques, y analiza temas que otros autores suelen olvidar: configuraciones de transmisión, efectividad de suspensiones y visores, diseño de ruedas tractoras etc.
El blog https://milimoto.wordpress.com contiene excelentes entradas sobre el diseño y funcionamiento de tanques, y analiza temas que otros autores suelen olvidar: configuraciones de transmisión, efectividad de suspensiones y visores, diseño de ruedas tractoras etc.
Fuentes y enlaces de interés:
- https://milimoto.wordpress.com/tag/skladowanie-amunicji/
Hi for everyone! I'm AKMS and I'm author of Milimoto blog. I must make small correction- I don't criticised vertically located rounds inside T-34-85 hull on Wikipedia drawing. I criticised horizontally located rounds. In T-34 with 76.2 mm gun (coloqvially T-34-76) we have horizontally located ready rounds inside hull, on sides of fighting compartment, but these rounds don't exist in T-34-85. In T-34-85 we have ready ammo inside turret, we have rounds located horizontally isnide boxes located on fighting compartment floor (main ammo rack) and we have few rounds located vertically. Maybe I can add that in my opinion T-34 have pretty good placement of main ammo rack from safety viewpoin (contraty to fuel tanks located on sides of fighting compartment). I can add that according data from Soviet 5th Guard Tank Army, from every destroyed T-34s, 55% burned. That's average result- according data from this same military unit, from every destroyed M4A2 Sherman tanks, 74% burned (probably dry M4A2 tanks with sponson mounted ammo racks). Also, according data from 5th Guard Tank Amy, medium SPGs have better burned vehicles rate than T-34 (from every lossed SU-85s and SU-100s, around 30-40% burned). I can add that data from 5th Guard Tank Army include losses from 17.01.1945 into 31.01.1945. In terms of number of ammo- according Polish handbook from 1945 (T-34 Tank. Short tips for crew), in T-34 tank we have 100 rounds per vehicle with 76.2 mm gun and 50 rounds per vehicle with 85 mm gun. According Polish 1962 manual of T-34-85M tank we have 57 rounds per vehicle. As be mentioned in Alejandro entry, Polish postwar T-34-85 tanks was used without bow gunner (extra ammo rack instead bow gunner). Interestingly, Polish postwar T-34-85 tanks still have bow machine gun, but this gun work as fixed gun (tank driver aiming gun by usage tillers of steering mechanism... not efficient method of gun aiming). Link into my entry about burned vehicles in 5th Guard Tank Army- https://milimoto.wordpress.com/2020/01/09/5-armia-pancerna-gwardii-spalone-czolgi/
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarThanks for your information, bro!
EliminarHello AKMS, I have fixed the error now. Regards.
EliminarThanks AKMS!!!
EliminarI can add that according my knowledge, in Polish postwar T-34-85, extra ammo rack mounted instead bow gunner seat, hold only 2 rounds. Of course, 2 rounds can't increase number of ammo from 50 rounds (Polish booklet from 1945) into 57 rounds (T-34-85 manual written in 1962). Maybe I will make research about T-34-85 number of ammo. BTW- that's my quiz about T-34 tank (English language!): https://www.quiz-maker.com/QANTFEKU