miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2022

Disolución del Jagdfliegergeschwader 7 "Wilhelm Pieck" en la República Democrática Alemana​, 1989

Unas fotos tomadas durante la disolución del Jagdfliegergeschwader 7 "Wilhelm Pieck", una ala de cazas de la Fuerza Aérea de este país. Para este entonces la RDA daba sus últimos coletazos, y el muro estaba a punto de caer.

El JG 7 fue creada en 1954, y bautizada "Wilhelm Pieck" en honor al primer presidente de la RDA. En los 80 disponía de 40 MiG-21M y 6 MiG-21U de entrenamiento.

Fuentes y enlaces de interés:

- https://home.snafu.de/veith/jg7.htm

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi for everyone! Some time ago I be in Redzikowo, in Poland, near Słupsk, where is located planes mini exhibition. These planes was used in 28 plm (28 Pułk Lotnictwa Myśliwskiego/ 28 Fighter Aviation Regiment) which was located in Redzikowo. That's pretty interesting unit- in Poland 28 plm that's one and only Polish regiment armed with MiG-23. Also, in late 60ties/early 70ties 28 plm that's one and only Polish regiment armed with MiG-19. Interestingly, in 28 plm served Mirosław Hermaszewski, first Polish astronaut. Also, in 28 plm served Franciszek Jarecki, Polish pilot which escape from Poland in MiG-15bis in 1953. 28 plm exist from 50ties to 2000. Tactical numbers located on planes show year of aircraft introduction in 28 plm. Link to entry on my blog about 28 plm: https://milimoto.wordpress.com/2022/09/06/samoloty-28-pulku-lotnictwa-mysliwskiego/

  2. Muchas gracias AKMS. Felicitaciones por tu blog, me ha parecido muy interesante. Estaría muy bien conocer tu opinión sobre las adquisiciones de material militar en Polonia y la situación con los refugiados ucranianos en tu país. Un saludo.

    Thank you very much AKMS. Congratulations for your blog, I found it very interesting. It would be great to know your opinion about the acquisition of military equipment in Poland and the situation with Ukrainian refugees in your country. Kind regards.

    1. In terms of military equipment acquisition- in my opinion from one hand we need new equipment (as example, BMP-1 is enourmous outdated), but from other hand, that's very explensive acquisition. Especially if we include that our goverment introduce some time ago expensive social programs. In my opinion situation "expensive social programs + expensive military stuff" can be problematic from budget viewpoint. To be fair- I don't like modern Polish goverment and my opinion can be biased. In terms of Ukrainian refugees- even before refugees we had many Ukrainians in Poland. Of course, modern era in Poland, with many foreign people from eastern countries (Ukraina, Belarussia) can be strange for people which remember Polish People's Republic era and early Third Polish republic era, when almost every citizens was Poles in terms of nationality.

      In terms of my blog- that's link with short English description of my articles about tanks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bakl09Uf3--9tFl8OKL5FBSCdTk7FIsH

    2. Muchísimas gracias AKMS. Ha sido un placer conocer tu opinión. Cuéntame cómo uno más de los seguidores de tu blog. Seguro que muchos de los que abrimos el blog de Alejandro estaremos encantados de leer tus aportes. Saludos

      Thank you very much AKMS. It has been a pleasure to read your opinion.Now I'm one of your usual followers. Surely many of us who open Alejandro's blog will be delighted to read your contributions. Kind regards

    3. AKMS, seguro que será muy bueno para ti colaborar con nuestro querido Juan Francisco del blog https://www.guerra-acorazada.blog/ ya que ambos comparten intereses en tanques. Saludos

      AKMS, surely it will be very good for you to collaborate with our dear friend Juan Francisco from the blog https://www.guerra-acorazada.blog/ since both share interests in tanks. Kind regards

  3. "Para este entonces la RDA daba sus últimos coletazos, y el muro estaba a punto de caer"
    es curioso, están por levantar un nuevo muro y Alemania esta expropiando primero gazprom germania y ahora 3 refinerías de Rosneft,

    olafo el amargado se parece a chavez con su clásico "expropiese"
    que seguira? racionamiento energetico.
